Monday, December 2, 2013

The Making of a Book

recapturing the sisterhood
For the past year and a half, I've followed a brilliant blog - Blog of Manly. There I am entertained by the acerbic wit of Josh and the group I refer to as his merry men.

I credit Deadliest Catch as my inspiration for attempting a non-fiction book, but that's only partially true. It's really Josh and his guys. They're unique because in a world of honey, hold my purse and do these jeans make my butt look fat? female dialogue starters, they are working on bringing manly back.

Their work is necessary because at some point in recent history, women decided men needed to be manscaped and they needed to get in touch with their feelings. We (and I use this term to refer to my gender not any personal interest in these changes), told the men in our lives that their eyes would "pop" if they used a little guyliner and our pirates started putting ribbons in their hair. We even labeled said pirate the sexiest man alive.

We began to refer to ourselves as divas and princesses. We woo-hoo'd terms like Girl Power but insisted our men spoil us. We enjoyed posting the fruits of said spoiling on Facebook so that all of our girlfriends (as well as ex boyfriends) could see how well we were being taken care of.

We had evolved.

No, we still aren't making what men make from a financial standpoint, but now our husbands are calling us on their drive home and asking what we want for dinner.

In our demand for equality, we've overcorrected and veered dangerously off-course.

This is where the story (and the blog...and hopefully the book) begins.

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