What is Recapturing Sisterhood?

Men and women have different strengths. While men lord over the physical and possess baffling (at least to women) emotional stoicism, women lead the intuitive and emotional realms.

Life is not a cattle drive
Historically, men left. They left on crusades, wars, campaigns to make money, find food for their families. History is filled with stories of men braving the unknown for the betterment of their families. Women were left with one another. They raised the children together. They gathered food and put sustenance on the table. And they managed long durations without their men because they had their "sisters."

Today's women don't have that sense of feminine community so we've placed the "burden" of emotional fulfillment on our men. Frankly, they're not any good at it (at least not to the extent we believe they should be) and we end up disappointed.

It's time to shift those expectations back on our best friends. Build that community of strong women - women we turn to for emotional support and guidance.

Enjoying a fruitful relationship with a man is about appreciating his strengths, not setting him up for failure.

Coaches place talent where it can have the most benefit. Companies do this as well.

So why do we keep expecting our men to slay dragons and share with us all their emotions surrounding the kill? 

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